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As well as running UK Wildlife Transporters, I run another non profit, Wildscaping Worldwide.  WW helps us humans - on a very practical level - to set up our local environments to live in much greater harmony so that wildlife and humans can thrive, together. 


UKWT I think of as my 'emergency transport service' to support struggling wildlife while WW plays our small part wildscaping our world in the background: making it a kinder place for our wildlife, where they are less likely to be poorly or get injured due to human impact. 


I have drafted 2 handbooks - written and published through WW - and they are based on over 20 years of experience in human & animal welfare.


Here's the new handbook - check out the HANDBOOK and my BACKGROUND on the WW site -  (maybe the most important bit of work I have ever done)...





'An Honest Relationship With Ourselves & Our Planet - A Guiding Handbook'


Our world is structured & designed to enable us all to thrive...  We just need to be honest with ourselves & our planet.


"This 'Honest Handbook' is - I think - unlike any other book you will have ever read before.  It offers a refresh of the reality that we exist within, enabling us to be true to ourselves and our planet: empowering all of us with potent opportunities to live our best lives, both as individuals & as a whole, in such ways that we may never have dreamed possible before."


It is my opinion that the impact of this handbook upon ourselves & our whole world cannot be overestimated.




My background is quite eclectic and I started my professional life in TV.  Before I left TV to follow my own path (to eventually start Wildscaping Worldwide) I used to work in human rights documentaries.  A lot of the documentary work was undercover so it was very revealing: it was daily life and war, our human determination to survive & thrive, in the most extreme of circumstances, without any glossy packaging.  Those programmes kickstarted a new relationship with our planet for me.


As I worked in human rights documentaries (and compared what I saw to how we humans as a society also treated our planet as a whole) all of the patterns of how we treat ourselves, other humans, our planet as a whole and all other creatures became increasingly evident to me.  It was very obvious to me that we needed to start from scratch & be honest with ourselves, to respectfully co-exist with our planet as a whole.


I think that our planet is designed to be a self-love story, in and of itself, within & about itself.  This handbook contains/features the facts and diagrams necessary to prove that a planetary love story is our natural state: helping us all to start manifesting our planetary love story around ourselves.

'Contents & Excerpts'

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