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Privacy Policy



This document discloses UK Wildlife Transporters' (trading Under Wildscaping Worldwide) storage and use of data policy in line with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws.


UK Wildlife Transporters is committed to protecting the privacy of Donors/Subscribers, and process personal data with utmost care in accordance with the General Data Protection Act 2018.


Personal information is used by UK Wildlife Transporters to communicate with you. We may also use this information for analysis, research or screening purposes.


All personal data stored by us is password protected. UK Wildlife Transporters has never and will never share, sell or rent this information to third parties for marketing purposes.


> Email Addresses

- UK Wildlife Transporters stores this information so we can email Volunteer Drivers, Vets & Rescues in relation to the Driver recruitment that is being undertaken on their behalf/with their involvement.

- Email addresses are given when someone signs up as a Driver, contacts us as a Vet or Rescue to ask for more Drivers (or discuss a situation with Drivers) or if someone contacts us through our website on another matter.


> Addresses

- UK Wildlife Transporters stores this information to know which Drivers are local to a Vet Practice/Rescue and to ensure that Volunteer Drivers are traceable by police should they go missing with a wildlife casualty.  UK Wildlife Transporters stores the addresses of Rescues/Vets to maintain a database of Rescue/Vet information.


> Phone Numbers

- UK Wildlife Transporters stores this information to communicate with Volunteer Drivers, Vets & Rescues as we organise a driver recruitment.


> Vehicle Registration

- UK Wildlife Transporters stores this information to ensure that Volunteer Drivers are traceable by police should they go missing with a wildlife casualty.


> Collaborations

With your permission, we will pass your info onto a Partner organisation for you to either get help containing an injured/poorly mammal, bird or other species OR if you are one of our Drivers.


Should a Volunteer Driver, Vet or Rescue want to cease association or have their details removed from our database, their personal data will be password protected and stored for 5 years from the date on which UK Wildlife Transporters was informed. UK Wildlife Transporters may still contact the Volunteer Driver, Vet or Rescue under the valid lawful basis of ‘legitimate interest’ set out under GDPR during this time.


Should a Volunteer Driver, Vet or Rescue disclose that they would no longer like to hear from us, their information will be deleted immediately.



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